#BEETHECHANGE collaboration with SimplySeed.co.uk
In collaboration with SimplySeed we are announcing an environment-changing free gift and competition.
Essench is a family business and wants nothing more than our children to continue the work we’ve started. Building our business has led our family to research our impact on nature and our environment. One of the ways we are doing this is making sure we protect our environment and assist in its continued growth and healing. This Summer we aim to stretch our reach further and help others protect the local environment by giving our native bees more food this Summer and our birds a food source into Autumn and Winter.
90% of wild plants and 75% of our global crops depend on animal pollinations. Bees are one of our biggest groups of pollinators yet we do very little to protect their food source and environment. Creating bee friendly buffet is a great way of helping them do their job, and keep our natural food chain in balance.
We have 200 packets of sunflower seeds to share with our customers and collaborators this Summer. With every purchase, we will send out a packet of 10 amazing Ruby Passion sunflower seeds for you to grow this Summer. You can enjoy them and their wildlife benefits as you wish.
Our Summer Sunflower Competition
As an added bonus we are running a competition throughout the Summer to see who can grow the tallest and biggest sunflower from our seeds. Ruby Passion sunflowers can grow over 1 metre tall with beautiful golden red petals. Their flowers are loved by bees, making a perfect stop for these important pollinators throughout the Summer and birds when the heads dry in Autumn.

Sunflower ‘Ruby Passion’
PRIZE ONE – Tallest Sunflower. You must be18 year old plus to enter this competition.
Essench and Collaborators Bumper Summer Hamper containing a mixture of essential Essench products and gifts from other environmentally friendly partners.
PRIZE TWO – Biggest sunflower head. No age restriction.
Essench Soap and bath bomb set.
To enter your competition images can be sent through Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook platforms as well as via email at sales@essench.co.uk before 5pm 21st September.
The competition entry should be an image of your Ruby Passion sunflower with a tape measurement next to it as proof. The image must be titled MY COMPETITION ENTRY #beethechange to enter. If you do not have any of these accounts you can email us at sales@essench.co.uk using MY COMPETITION ENTRY #beethechange as the title.
Competition Ends 21st September (last day of Summer)
Do you want to collaborate with us on this project?
If you would like to add an eco-friendly home or gift to the hamper for the grand prize we will tag your company into all champaign posts and newsletters. You will also be sent a packet of Ruby Passion sunflower seeds to join in the fun.
Email us at sales@essench.co.uk for further information.